Woodland RA
Royal Academy, London 2019
We need to re-articulate the relationship between humans, nature and technology.
Architecture is about creating new relationships.
We must imagine a new way of inhabiting architecture that is open to new forms of coexistence between humans and nature.
The Woodland RA installation is an attempt to bring Nature inside the Royal Academy of Arts, inviting visitors to re-discover a deeper and more intimate relationship with the natural realm.
We have created an indoor temporary forest by installing 24 Nordmann Fir (Abies Nordmanniana) in the central saloon of the John Madejski Fine Rooms.
The sustainably sourced trees have been donated to Hackney City Council, who will plant them in their public parks and gardens as a small contribution to London’s green regeneration.
Woodland RA installation photographed by ©NAARO
Concept drawing of the installation by ©PiM.studio
Project Name: Woodland RA
Location: London
Client: Royal Academy of Arts
Date: 23/11/2019
Event: RA Lates, Deep Earth
Function: Indoor Temporary Forest
Architects: PiM.studio Architects – Maurizio Mucciola, Maria-Chiara Piccinelli